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Short recap of CAPOEIRA ANGOLA

The origins of the fight ...


Capoeira Angola emerged in the sixteenth century with the arrival of African slaves in Brazil, particularly from regions such as Congo and Angola and brought by the Portuguese colonization. The knowledge of the exact origins has been lost due to the destruction of archives and documents because the governors at the time did not want the participation of slaves as part of the history of Brazil.


Hence, several anthropologists expose different theories about the origins of Capoeira . However , the most realistic theory is one that suggests that Capoeira Angola is the result of an African ritual called N'Golo . Two African warriors fight, representing the battle between two zebras to win the right to choose a virgin for marriage. The movement of other animals have also been adapted and integrated into the game


Slaves trained and exercised Capoeira in the 'senzalas', small huts made of palm , located inside the haciendas where they were slaved. They used Capoeira as a tool to fight for their freedom by rebelling against their oppressors. They fled into the jungle and over the years , illegal small communities were created (known as 'quilombos') where the slaves finally reached their spiritual freedom. Capoeira Angola has continued to evolve as a mixture of art , dance , combat , culture , education , and as a philosophy and a way of life .



Mestre Vincent Ferreira Pastinha

Capoeira survies...


Several years later, with the abolition of slavery and acceptance of capoeira as a national sport in Brazil, capoeira angola began to be taught in official academies. The first person to create a group of Capoeira Angola and preserve traditions was Joaquim Vicente Ferreira Pastinha, better known as Mestre Pastinha. At the same time, another great figure of Capoeira was Manuel Dos Reis Machado, Mestre Bimba. He added movements of other oriental martial arts to the traditional capoeira movements, creating the so-called Luta Regional Baiana, also known as Capoeira Regional. Thanks to these movements today Capoeira has been extended worldwide. 

The next generation...





                                              Luiz Santos Marcelo Moraes , better known as Mestre Marcelo Angola , was born in Salvador de Bahia , Brazil on Nov. 30, 1965. He started practicing Capoeira Angola in August 1985, in the school of Mestre Curio located at the Pelourinho in Salvador de Bahia. The Pelourinho is known as the birthplace and center of Capoeira Angola. Mestre Marcelo Angola was awarded the title of Trenel ( trainer) in 1990 , then in 1994, he was named Contra - Mestre , and finally , in 1999, he was recognized as a Master by the ABC (Brazilian capoeira association ) in Salvador de Bahia  .


Founder of the groups Angloeiros do Mar, Mestre Marcelo Angola has worked to build his group on the island of Itaparica and beyond since 1999. Marcelos work allowed him to visit many countries and people around the world, consideravly promoting the awareness and knowledge of Capoeira Angola, particularly in Europe. Many of his first students that afiliate with Mestre Marcelo are now teachers for Angoleiros do Mar and have developed their own groups around the world, under the direction of Mestre Marcelo. These groups, be it in England, France, Switzerland, Spain or Chile, are now spreading the philisophy of Angoleiros do Mar around the world.


Grand mestre de la capoeira angola
Mestre de Capoeira Angola
Capoeira Angola - Angoleiros do Mar

Aslb Capoeira Bruxelles Angoleiros Do Mar - Avenue de l'Hôpital Français 99 - 1081 Bruxelles | IBAN: BE81 7350 6106 5124 - BIC: KREDBEBB | admbruxelles[at]gmail[dot]com


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